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Graveside Reflections

Today, I spent the afternoon visiting gravesides and conversing with my loved ones. It’s been years, and in the case of my dad, it’s the first time I’ve visited his graveside since he passed away. I’ve never been fan of cemeteries; but as I’ve gotten older, my desire to come to this peaceful place, to converse, and to meditate has grown. Today it lifted my spirits and brought joy to my heart.

Today I thanked my grandma Lindsey for everything she is and for encouraging me to write and speak my truth. She always used to say; “those” people aren’t going to like what you have to say, but it’s the truth so keep saying it. Who knows what I would be today if it wasn’t for her words.

Today I thanked my grandma Smith, for the walks, the love, the patience, and for being a part of all of my early childhood memories before she got Alzheimer’s. In life and now she will always be my angel.

Today I sat down with my dad and thanked him for doing the best he could to be there for me. At times you were my superhero, at other times our relationship was rocky; no matter; today it’s all love and all thanks. As someone who grew up in a racist environment (like you) with numerous obstacles trying to beat me down; I gained an understanding you, of your imperfections, and of mine. We walk together inside the belly of the beast. We will walk together in heaven when my fight here is done.

Today I sat down with my big sister; we’ve been through it all together, fought, talked about our fears, and when you told me you were done with that all of that treatment that was killing you; I understood. You wanted to live before going home. I was sad to say goodbye, but I know you are watching over us, giving a side-eye to the devil and all of his cronies that are trying to knock us off track, and creating miracles on our path. You are a true wonder woman.

Today I got on my knees and talked to my mom. I thanked her for being our backbone, provider, protector, and rock through the tough times. She is as beautiful and intelligent as they come; a straight shooting fire-cracker that would never be walked over; and if you tried her you best be ready. We still talk daily and I respect the fact that she didn’t want to be buried or to put her name on a piece of stone. You are an agent of God and humble enough not to need recognition for your work.

All of you and so many more are with me; lifting, guiding, helping me make a positive contribution. On this and every other day I give thanks and love… ~ Sean King

Mother’s Day Reflections

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful women that are in my life continuing to serve as a mother figure; you are loved and appreciated.

Happy Mother’s Day to my wife, my Queen, and the mother of my amazing boys. You are amazing in ways that go beyond description. I love you.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing women that are raising the next generation of Kings and Queens. You da real MVP.

Happy Mother’s Day to my mama, my sister, my grandmas, my aunt’s, my cousins, my friends, and all of the soldiers and queens that are no longer here; you fought on the front lines in the belly of the beast to give us a chance to breathe, to live, to love… you are the reason I am unapologetic in my existence… I love you and I will see you as soon as I complete my tasks on this side.

…and to all of my family and friends that are are lost because your beacons of light are no longer here… to all of you that are struggling with understanding why this has happened to you… to all of you that are in pain deep down in your soul because your mother is longer with you in her earthly form… know that she is walking with you every step of the way… she is in your heart speaking to your spirit; and still battling the beast right there with you… What do you do? You wake up; you stand up; and hold firm… Tomorrow you wake up; you stand up; and you take one step forward. The day after that you wake up; you stand up; you take two steps forward… Everyday, you wake up; you stand up; and you push yourself to move forward further than the day before. Whatever you do, you don’t step back.. Understand that the strong women that brought us into the world and prepared us wouldn’t want us to go back. Be strong. Be love. Be hope for the future.

One. Two. Three. Four. Forward Ever; Backward Never. ~ Sean King



Irony: An All Lives Matter movement goes silent when a 12 year old boy is shot in the park for playing with a toy gun in an open carry state… and the officer who’s former police chief recommended that he be fired walks free…

Irony: Pro-lifers who protest, attack, and even bomb planned parenthood clinics because they believe in the sacredness of life that have somehow never protested nor spoke out about the careless use of force and murder of innocent children by police…