Monthly Archives: March 2014

Sweet Smiles and Big Dreams

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I met the cutest little girl yesterday who told me she wants to be a doctor so she can help people. How beautiful is that?

I’m going to say a prayer for her and her dreams; because I know the way the society we live in and the people in it can kidnap, rape, beat, and even murder the worthy dreams of our kids under the guise of doing what’s practical, of making money, and yes, even under the pretense of love.

Should you come across my new friend, the kid with the sweet as red kool-aid smile and bigger than life dreams, or any other hopeful child that dreams of someday making a difference in this world; I beg of you to forget about your own failures, to ignore that inner voice telling you that what these kids dream of is impossible, to step out of the box of your broken realities, and to refrain from speaking to them about all of the obstacles that will prevent them from ever achieving the dreams they seek.

Instead, offer a word of encouragement, let them know that you believe in them and that they can do it, tell them that there is nothing in this world that can stop them if they work hard, are determined, put their mind to it, and map out a plan.

Whatever you do, don’t be the reaper ushering another child’s dream into the graveyard where the broken dreams of those who never had the courage to pursue their dreams go to die… ~ Sean King


Rest In Peace Nef

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When I first got the news that my good friend had passed away today, it hit me like a ton of bricks… That is until I took a deep breath and remembered her for the beautiful person that she is. Then I gave thanks to God for allowing such a beautiful angel to find her way into my life.

It’s crazy how a brief encounter at a stepshow all the way back in 1995 could turn into a lifelong friendship. How influential a bright smile and a fighter’s heart could be on my perspective. How much more beautiful the world seemed after a heartfelt conversation with her, my sister. The way she lived, her always positive attitude, and her passion for doing for others was a constant reminder that I simply do not have the right to feel sorry for myself.

The kind of woman that she is was never more evident than when I spoke to her while she was waiting for a Liver transplant and the odds started to appear to be stacked against her. What did she say? She told me that no matter what that she was blessed, thankful, praying for the other patients in the hospital who she felt had it worse than her, and going to continue fighting and fighting and fighting….

No matter the circumstance her message was always consistent – Get Up!! Keep Fighting!! Keep Smiling!! Keep Loving!!

Nef, I will miss you dearly and already look forward to having our next conversation on the other side. I am thankful that you have found peace and finally found a place big enough to hold that beautiful smile of yours. Love you always, your brother… ~ Sean King



I’m black and haven’t watched 12 years a slave. I didn’t watch the Help or the Butler either. In fact, I didn’t and had no intentions on watching the Oscars… but I do congratulate them on their award, on obtaining a slice of their dreams, on the confidence that so many young brothers and sisters will have who are struggling with believing in themselves in a world that is constantly telling them they are nothing.

To my young brothers and sisters who are looking at their dreams and wondering if they are capable, if they are worthy, if they can. I will simply say; Yes!!! You can, you are worthy, you are more capable and amazing than you will ever know, and you are and have always been beautiful even if society refuses to validate you. I say those things to you in hopes that you never give your power to anyone else. In hopes that you understand that even though it’s nice to be recognized for your effort, it is not a requirement for you to achieve your greatness; do not allow them to have that kind of power over your dreams. Keep moving forward, keep grinding, keep pushing toward your dreams even if it seems you are the only one who believes in them. Above all else – believe in and love yourself. I love you; I believe in you; I wish the best for you today and always. ~ Sean King