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A Shot Out

sean and boys

Let me take a moment to give a shot out to all of the people I know that overachieved after being told that you couldn’t do it, to the fatherless children who became outstanding fathers, to the gang bangers who are doing the heavy lifting in the community, to the drug addicts who are clean and doing the work of saving lives, to my sisters who have broke through the glass ceiling without selling their souls,to the ministers that used to run the streets with me, and to the mothers who are raising young men in spite of the belief that women can’t raise men – to that I call bullshit, I am one.

Yes, today I am giving a shot out to every kid that was born in hell and have still found a way to live in the light, to be consumed with love, and to move past anger even though they have every right to be pissed. Today I am dedicating my post to the “I never thought they could/would be successful, yes, I’m doing the damn thang success stories”.

It’s impossible to name you all by name, but know that I am in your corner, got your back, believe in your hustle, in love with your soul, and walking the damn walk right there with you. We are the true American dream. Good day and keep pushing forward. ~ Sean King

Rest In Peace Nef

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When I first got the news that my good friend had passed away today, it hit me like a ton of bricks… That is until I took a deep breath and remembered her for the beautiful person that she is. Then I gave thanks to God for allowing such a beautiful angel to find her way into my life.

It’s crazy how a brief encounter at a stepshow all the way back in 1995 could turn into a lifelong friendship. How influential a bright smile and a fighter’s heart could be on my perspective. How much more beautiful the world seemed after a heartfelt conversation with her, my sister. The way she lived, her always positive attitude, and her passion for doing for others was a constant reminder that I simply do not have the right to feel sorry for myself.

The kind of woman that she is was never more evident than when I spoke to her while she was waiting for a Liver transplant and the odds started to appear to be stacked against her. What did she say? She told me that no matter what that she was blessed, thankful, praying for the other patients in the hospital who she felt had it worse than her, and going to continue fighting and fighting and fighting….

No matter the circumstance her message was always consistent – Get Up!! Keep Fighting!! Keep Smiling!! Keep Loving!!

Nef, I will miss you dearly and already look forward to having our next conversation on the other side. I am thankful that you have found peace and finally found a place big enough to hold that beautiful smile of yours. Love you always, your brother… ~ Sean King

Happy Father’s Day

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Father’s Day Reflections: How can I feel blessed, be happy with my life, and be thankful with the path God has chosen for me while at the same time being upset that I didn’t have the perfect father?

How can I appreciate the fact that my life has brought me more happiness than I could have ever imagined and accept the fact that my dreams pale in comparison to the life I’m living, while being ungrateful because I think my father should have done more?

How can I stand here calling my father out for his inability to live up to my expectations while looking in the mirror dripping with my own imperfections, flaws, and with the knowledge that there are many things I can do to improve both as a man and as a father?

I can’t, because that’s not the way this thing works. If you’re happy with your life and your journey, and I am, then you also have to be thankful for all of the steps that it took to get there.

What I know today is God gave me the father I needed to become the person that I was called to be. My daddy loved me, he was imperfect, I am imperfect, and he is the father I was given.

It doesn’t need to be complicated: Happy Father’s Day to my dad, Leon King (RIP), and all the other brothers out there doing the best they can. It’s not for me to judge you, so I will simply say, if you keep getting knocked down, then keep getting up. If you keep falling short, then keep reaching forward. If the world keeps feeding you hate, keep spititng it out and fighting back with love. Whatever you’re struggling with, just do your best and know that I Love You and pray that one day you will be able to celebrate Father’s Day without all of the halfass Father’s Day wishes and backhanded compliments… Be blessed my brothers… ~ Sean King