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Sweet Smiles and Big Dreams

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I met the cutest little girl yesterday who told me she wants to be a doctor so she can help people. How beautiful is that?

I’m going to say a prayer for her and her dreams; because I know the way the society we live in and the people in it can kidnap, rape, beat, and even murder the worthy dreams of our kids under the guise of doing what’s practical, of making money, and yes, even under the pretense of love.

Should you come across my new friend, the kid with the sweet as red kool-aid smile and bigger than life dreams, or any other hopeful child that dreams of someday making a difference in this world; I beg of you to forget about your own failures, to ignore that inner voice telling you that what these kids dream of is impossible, to step out of the box of your broken realities, and to refrain from speaking to them about all of the obstacles that will prevent them from ever achieving the dreams they seek.

Instead, offer a word of encouragement, let them know that you believe in them and that they can do it, tell them that there is nothing in this world that can stop them if they work hard, are determined, put their mind to it, and map out a plan.

Whatever you do, don’t be the reaper ushering another child’s dream into the graveyard where the broken dreams of those who never had the courage to pursue their dreams go to die… ~ Sean King


Reflections (10/5/2013)

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This morning, like a lot of other mornings, I woke up and wanted to talk to my loved ones that have already passed on. To be honest, this is not something that makes me sad or angry, just a reality for someone that has said goodbye to a lot of people over a relatively short life. It’s a reality that has taught me about mortality, dreams, friendship, appreciating the here and now, and the importance of not wasting moments. Through this reality, I have learned the importance of every single breath, of every interaction, of passionately pursuing my dreams from the time I wake up (God Willing/Insha’Allah) until I rest my head at night, and of you. This reality has helped me to move away from the idea of the American dream and toward God’s purpose. It has taught me to stop counting on tomorrow’s and to quit assuming I’ll have another chance to make it right. Most importantly, it has taught me passion.

When you sit down with me, when we communicate in passing, when you read what I’ve written or watch how I’m living, I hope the thing you see is someone who is passionate about friendship, about using my gifts to help someone, about life, and about love.

Why do I share this? I share this so that you can understand what I’ve come to understand. We have been given but a few ticks on the clock of eternity to achieve an infinite amount of dreams and to express an infinite amount of love; we don’t have a single breath to waste on the bullshit.

If You Knew what I Know

If you found out that you were dying, would you stand up and do all the things that fear and doubt has kept you from doing? Would you pull out your bucket list and start pursuing all those crazy dreams and doing all those wild things you’ve always wanted to do?  Well, I don’t know if anyone has told you yet, but you are dying, so you better start living while you can. — Sean King
